Thursday, July 30, 2009

A documentary about CDH

So, I've been brewing this idea for some time and have finally started taking action to make it a reality. First let me be clear...I have no experience shooting a documentary! I hope to line up advisors, volunteers and folks with experience to help me make it a success.

I have immersed myself in many blogs, carepages, facebook pages, etc of other CDH families and their stories since we received our diagnosis. I feel connected to them as if I knew them personally although I've only met a few of them. Day in and day out I read their updates and cheer when something great happens, pray when something not so great happens and cry more often than not at what I can only describe as the most touching posts I've ever read.

I decided after Jaxson's Jog that I needed to continue to spread the word about CDH so that this birth defect and this amazing CDH community can be known to many instead of a few. I participated in Letters for CDH on July 15 and again I felt proud to be a part of such an amazing community. Praying for families daily and commenting on others' blogs is I suppose another way. But, the documentary is my next project.

I'm certainly afraid that I won't get this documentary right and I'm afraid it won't accomplish my goal of making CDH as well known as Cystic Fibrosis and Spina Bifida. However, I have to believe that it is possible. I hope to present information about the defect along with as many CDH stories and journeys as possible.

If you're a CDH family reading this post I need your help to make sure this documentary is great. If you would like to participate, please email me at

Also, I have started a Fundable page for donations toward the production costs. If you're interested in giving you can check it out at:

Thank you!

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Welcome Jaxson's CDH Journey

Jaxson is a CDH survivor and this blog follows his story and our ongoing efforts to spread the word about CDH.

Jaxson was diagnosed with LCDH at our 20 week ultrasound. His stomach, intestines, spleen, apendix and left lobe of the liver had all herniated into his chest cavity. We were told his chances of survival were less than 50% and that he had an 80% chance of going on ECMO.

He was born at Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and transported next door to CHOP on 5-19-08. He did not go on ECMO, had his repair on 5-23-08, came off the ventilator on 6-6-08, breathing on his own by 6-12-08 and was discharged after 37 days in the NICU.

He is our CDH rock star!